Pesquisando Jean Charles de Menezes ( 07/01/1978 - 22/07/2005 )

AstrologiaLua Cheia (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 16 ano(s) 9 mes(es) 13 dia(s) 02/08 Pesquise 02 de Agosto/2007Pesquise o ano 2007 Inglaterra Relatório do IPCC inocenta Ian Blair no caso Jean Charles de Menezes
 The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has concluded its investigation into complaints made by the family of Jean Charles de Menezes after he was shot dead by Metropolitan Police Service officers on 22 July 2005. The family complained that the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, alone or with others, released inaccurate public statements concerning the circumstances of his death, concurred with inaccurate information, or failed to correct such information. The officers subject to investigation were Sir Ian Blair, Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, and Assistant Commissioner Andrew Hayman.
A panel of three IPCC Commissioners oversaw the investigation. In relation to statements made on 22 July, the complaint against the Commissioner is not substantiated and there is no evidence of misconduct. However the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) should consider why the Commissioner remained uninformed of key information emerging during 22 July 2005. The investigation report finds that the matters relating to Assistant Commissioner Andrew Hayman are substantiated. It is recommended that the MPA consider what action they intend to take concerning the conduct issues identified in relation to AC Hayman.
The report concludes that AC Hayman's actions in relation to his briefing the Crime Reporters' Association (CRA), at about 4.30 p.m., and then misleading the attendees at the 5.00 p.m. management board meeting and sub-meeting led to inaccurate or misleading information being released by the Metropolitan Police.
AC Hayman either misled the public when he briefed the CRA that the deceased was not one of the four or when he allowed the 6.44 p.m. 22 July press release to state that it was not known if the deceased was one of the four. He could not have believed both inconsistent statements were true. The investigation concluded that there were serious weaknesses by the Metropolitan Police in the handling of critical information including within the senior management team.
The recommendations contained in the report are as follows:
Recommendation 1
The investigation has identified serious weaknesses in the Metropolitan Police in relation to the handling of critical information including within the senior management team. The MPA should consider what management action is required to resolve this. In view of the serious nature of the failings, the Home Office and Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) should also consider what action they need to take to address the issues raised.

Recommendation 2
The MPA recognises that the issues identified by Operation Erini are areas of concern within the MPS and that they are fully addressed and systems are implemented to prevent a re-occurrence.

Recommendation 3
The Commissioner sets out to his personal staff his expectations in relation to keeping him informed of events occurring within the MPS area.

Recommendation 4
The responsibility for keeping the Commissioner and other key staff informed of critical information is made clear to the MPS senior management team.

Recommendation 5
The MPS reviews the purpose of the Crime Reporters' Association briefings including the potential for the MPS to be compromised if they are briefed outside an agreed media strategy.

Recommendation 6
All strategic meetings convened to discuss critical incidents are appropriately minuted in order that decisions made can be later identified and justified.
Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)
AstrologiaLua Cheia (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 16 ano(s) 7 mes(es) 14 dia(s) 01/10 Pesquise 01 de Outubro/2007Pesquise o ano 2007 Julgamento Jurídico Inglaterra Iniciado julgamento da Polícia Metropolitana pela morte de Jean Charles de Menezes
AstrologiaLua Nova (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 16 ano(s) 6 mes(es) 29 dia(s) 16/10 Pesquise 16 de Outubro/2007Pesquise o ano 2007 Inglaterra Patologista confirma traços de cocaína em Jean Charles de Menezes
AstrologiaLua Crescente (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 16 ano(s) 6 mes(es) 23 dia(s) 22/10 Pesquise 22 de Outubro/2007Pesquise o ano 2007 Jurídico Inglaterra Policial Cressida Dick nega ter dado ordens para matar Jean Charles de Menezes
AstrologiaLua Minguante (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 16 ano(s) 6 mes(es) 14 dia(s) 01/11 Pesquise 01 de Novembro/2007Pesquise o ano 2007 Jurídico Inglaterra Polícia britânica é declarada culpada pela morte de Jean Charles de Menezes
AstrologiaLua Minguante (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 16 ano(s) 6 mes(es) 13 dia(s) 02/11 Pesquise 02 de Novembro/2007Pesquise o ano 2007 Política Inglaterra Oposição pede a renúncia do comissário Ian Blair
AstrologiaLua Minguante (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 16 ano(s) 6 mes(es) 8 dia(s) 07/11 Pesquise 07 de Novembro/2007Pesquise o ano 2007 Política Inglaterra Comissário Ian Blair recebe voto de desconfiança da Assembleia de Londres
AstrologiaLua Minguante (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 16 ano(s) 5 mes(es) 11 dia(s) 04/12 Pesquise 04 de Dezembro/2007Pesquise o ano 2007 Renúncia Inglaterra Renúncia do chefe das operações antiterroristas da Scotland Yard, Andy Hayman.
AstrologiaLua Crescente (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 16 ano(s) 4 mes(es) 24 dia(s) 21/12 Pesquise 21 de Dezembro/2007Pesquise o ano 2007 Inglaterra Último relatório disciplinar sobre o caso Jean Charles de Menezes (ninguém é punido)
AstrologiaLua Minguante (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 15 ano(s) 7 mes(es) 23 dia(s) 22/09 Pesquise 22 de Setembro/2008Pesquise o ano 2008 Jurídico Inglaterra Início do inquérito público sobre a morte de Jean Charles de Menezes
AstrologiaLua Nova (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 15 ano(s) 7 mes(es) 13 dia(s) 02/10 Pesquise 02 de Outubro/2008Pesquise o ano 2008 Renúncia Inglaterra Renúncia do chefe da Scotland Yard, Ian Blair.
AstrologiaLua Minguante (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 15 ano(s) 6 mes(es) 18 dia(s) 27/10 Pesquise 27 de Outubro/2008Pesquise o ano 2008 Jurídico Inglaterra Policial admite erros na operação que resultou na morte de Jean Charles de Menezes
AstrologiaLua Cheia (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 15 ano(s) 5 mes(es) 3 dia(s) 12/12 Pesquise 12 de Dezembro/2008Pesquise o ano 2008 Jurídico Inglaterra Juri conclui não haver provas de 'homicídio justificado' de Jean Charles de Menezes
AstrologiaLua Nova (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 10 mes(es) 19 dia(s) 26/06 Pesquise 26 de Junho/2009Pesquise o ano 2009 Cinema e Artes Cênicas Brasil Estreia do filme 'Jean Charles' (Selton Mello interpreta Jean Charles de Menezes)

AstrologiaLua Nova (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 9 mes(es) 23 dia(s) 22/07 Pesquise 22 de Julho/2009Pesquise o ano 2009 Homenagem Música Inglaterra O britânico Morrissey homenageia Jean Charles de Menezes durante show em Londres
AstrologiaLua Nova (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 9 mes(es) 23 dia(s) 22/07 Pesquise 22 de Julho/2009Pesquise o ano 2009 Inauguração Inglaterra Inauguração de Memorial a Jean Charles de Menezes em Londres
AstrologiaLua Nova (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 5 mes(es) 22 dia(s) 23/11 Pesquise 23 de Novembro/2009Pesquise o ano 2009 Inglaterra Polícia Metropolitana de Londres anuncia indenização à família de Jean Charles de Menezes
 "Joint Statement from the MPS and the de Menezes family

The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis and representatives of the de Menezes family are pleased to announce that all litigation between them arising out of the tragic death of Jean Charles de Menezes has been resolved.
The members of the family are pleased that a compensation package has been agreed which enables them to put these events behind them and move forward with their lives. In view of the physical and mental distress caused to the members of the family by these events and the understandable publicity and press interest, it has been agreed that it is in the best interests of the family that no further statement in relation to this settlement will be made either by them or the Commissioner.
The Commissioner would like to take this opportunity of making a further unreserved apology to the family for the tragic death of Jean Charles de Menezes and to reiterate that he was a totally innocent victim and in no way to blame for his untimely death."
Metropolitan Police
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 Cressida Dick esteve à frente da operação que resultou na morte do brasileiro Jean Charles de Menezes em 22/07/2005.
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